Enable log in U-Boot
To enable pr_debug - Define CONFIG_LOGLEVEL > 7 in defconfig - Define DEBUG in the .c file on the first line above #includes == Source == ---------------- #define pr_debug(fmt, ...) CONFIG_LOGLEVEL > 7 ? log_debug(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) : 0; CONFIG_LOGLEVEL - Defined in the source file ----------------- #if CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(LOG) #define log_debug(_fmt...) log(LOG_CATEGORY, LOGL_DEBUG, ##_fmt) #else #define log_debug(_fmt, ...) debug(_fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #endif ------------------ #define debug(fmt, args...) debug_cond(_DEBUG, fmt, ##args) -------- #if !_DEBUG && CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(LOG) #define debug_cond(cond, fmt, args...) { log(LOG_CATEGORY, LOGL_DEBUG, fmt, ##args); } #else #define debug_cond(cond, fmt, args...) { ...